
Friday, January 13, 2012

Ceremonial Leia

Character: Princess Leia
Costume: Ceremonial Gown
From: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Completed: 2004

I made this dress at the request of some friends from the Star Wars fan group I belong to. We had a silly Olympics-type event at our annual convention, and they wanted to have closing ceremonies where the top three finishers were honored, with Leia giving medals to the top two-- just like A New Hope! *g* Since I whipped this gown up quickly just before the con, it's not accurate, but it's recognizable, which was really all we needed. I wore it again when I played Princess Leia in Star Wars: Musical Edition, which was performed at Celebration III in 2005. I later sold the gown on Ebay.

GenCon Indy, 2004
(thanks to Brian and Sithspit for the pics!)

Star Wars: Musical Edition at Celebration III, 2005
(thanks to Steve and Rosamunde for the pics!)

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